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In addition, Case Interpretations provided by NAR demonstrate the application of the Articles to particular situations. Article 2 REALTORS® shall avoid exaggeration, misrepresentation, or concealment of pertinent facts relating to the property or the transaction.

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When representing a ARTICLE 2. REALTORS® shall. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Code of Ethics Video Series.

Bcl-2 phosphorylation at serine-70 (S70pBcl2) confers resistance against drug-induced apoptosis. Nevertheless, its specific mechanism in driving drug-resistance remains unclear. We present evidence that S70pBcl2 promotes cancer cell survival by acting as a redox sensor and modulator to prevent oxidative stress-induced DNA damage and execution.

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Detta betyg ges när studenten har uppnått en rimligt hög grad av Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, chapter 2, Section 2.1-2.3.

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(Adopted 1/93)  shipment and delivery terms (UCC~2-319 through §2-324) which although still contract, and the use of more than one Incoterms® rule may be appropriate.
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The Class 1 and Class 2 categories are the most relevant to NAR members and will be the focus of this article. You can read the complete regulations for additional information, including details on the Class 3 rocket category.

When representing a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant, or other client as an agent, REALTORS® pledge … pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov PubMed 2000-01-15 1998-01-01 Article 2. Definitions. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply: (1) ‘medical device’ means any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, implant, reagent, material or other article intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the following specific medical purposes: • Standard of Practice 2-1 REALTORS® shall only be obligated to discover and disclose adverse factors reasonably apparent to someone with expertise in those areas required by their real estate licensing authority. Article 2 does not impose upon the REALTOR® the obligation of expertise in other professional or technical disciplines.

Leenden och logistik i fokus när 2 000 internationella studenter kommer till Lund. Att ta emot drygt 2 000 utländska studenter på en dag kräver sin logistik.

Autoxidation of aromatic amine Leaving the NAR Church: In a series of blog posts, we take readers beyond the textbook What is the New Apostolic Reformation Movement explanation, into the personal experiences from those who have been there, and what happened when God opened their eyes to the truth. The complex Ru(TPP)(NAr)2 inserts a nitrene group into allylic and benzylic C–H bonds and is the key intermediate in the ruthenium porphyrin-catalyzed amination of hydrocarbons by aryl azides. Ashley Strauss-Martin provides an update on NAR's Code of Ethics requirements in this second episode of "NAR & National Issues".

Article 2 does not impose upon the REALTOR ® the obligation of expertise in other professional or technical disciplines. (Amended 1/96) • Standard of Practice 2-2 (Renumbered as Standard of Practice 1-12 1/98) • Standard of Practice 2-3 (Renumbered as Standard of Practice 1-13 1/98) • Standard of Practice 2-4 REALTORS Article 1 REALTORS® protect and promote their clients’ interests while treating all parties honestly. Article 2 REALTORS® refrain from exaggeration, misrepresentation, or concealment of pertinent facts related to property or transactions.